Winter tips for lawn, landscape & sprinkler care

Protect your lawn and landscape investments. It’s not always best to wait until spring to get your lawn, landscape or sprinkler system serviced. And you can save money by letting us do a sprinkler installation or landscape installation through the winter. Take a look at the work that can still be done this winter!

Lawn & Landscape Maintenance Services:

  • Leaf Debris Clean up Late Fall (Scheduled in December for those trees that hang onto the leaves protect your lawn from leaves and debris smothering and killing your grass)
  • Shrub & Groundcover Trimming (Great time to reshape any overgrown bushes when they lose their leaves and go dormant this will minimize any shock they may incur from severe shaping)
  • Cut back perennial plants & grasses (This can be scheduled late fall/early winter and also Early Spring) This task is imperative for making room for the new spring growth keeping your perennial plant looking clean and fresh for the spring season.
  • Step #6 of our lawn care treatment program (Winterizer protects the lawn through the winter months)
  • Landscape Bed Fertilizer Fall (Slow release) Feeds the shrubs and plants what they need through the winter months, improving the overall hardiness of the plant or shrub. The plants and shrubs will show their appreciation in the spring.

Sprinkler Systems:

  • Sprinkler Installation (Winter discount rates now available)
  • Sprinkler Winterization (Blow out systems or winterize self draining systems) If you didn’t winterize your system it’s not too late. Don’t wait until spring, have it winterized you will save yourself more expensive repairs acting now.
  • Sprinkler Service Work (Any changes that may be necessary to improve the system or add zones to cover a new landscape bed that may have been put in recently)

Landscape Improvements:

We can still landscape through the winter just as long as the ground is not too hard (frozen). It’s a great time to plant shrubs and trees (most of them), you gain root structure through the winter which gets you ahead next season on how the plant will take off and grow. Installing hardscape paver patios and walkways, retaining walls, stone edgers are all good projects to do during the winter.  The first step would be an initial consultation with Eric Williams (Designer).

Snow & Ice Removal:

Plowing Snow, Shoveling Snow, Salting (asphalt areas), Ice melt (Concrete areas).  We are actively scheduling snow and ice removal services so let me know if you are interested. You may already be signed up with us. If you are already signed up with us then you would have gotten a notification of your scheduled snow services this past Saturday.